Monday, September 20, 2010

More of Minny: Chapters 17-18

Hey girls,
I decided to go ahead and post questions for these chapters so we don't get too off track.

- What was your reaction to Celia's pregnacy and miscarriage? What was your reaction to the way Minny handled the situation?
- What really was in the brown bottles? I don't get what kind of tonic it was...
- Minny seems to be finally be enjoying telling Skeeter her stories. Why do you think she has had a change of heart? What do you think will become of the stories in the end?
- What do you think Minny did to Hilly? The suspense is killing me!
- What was your response to Minny's family dinner? What was your reaction to Minny's youngest "hating white people?"


JenJen said...

Thanks for posting some questions, Shannon! I appreciate you helping to keep us on track. We were on such a ball there for a while. I can post the next set of questions if Robin is too busy.

Robin, it is okay if things are way too hectic for you right now. I understand and I don't mind posting the next set. Hang in there with us, okay!

- What was your reaction to Celia's pregnancy and miscarriage? What was your reaction to the way Minny handled the situation?

I'm a little bit relieved that a pregnancy was what Celia was hiding. I still think she's a little nuts. Her multiple miscarriages are very sad. I was impressed how Minny handled the situation. I'm glad she insisted on hounding Miss Celia to clean the bathroom. Imagine what would have happened if she'd just finished the rest of her work and left! I'm glad Stockett didn't write that into her story. Minny's mix of grossed out and professional seemed appropriate. You can see her compassion for Celia all over her actions.

- What really was in the brown bottles? I don't get what kind of tonic it was...

I have no idea what the real substance was supposed to be. Just some tonic to supposedly help women carry babies to term.

- Minny seems to be finally be enjoying telling Skeeter her stories. Why do you think she has had a change of heart? What do you think will become of the stories in the end?

I think Minny has adjusted partly due to repetition and partly due to the the violence against Medgar Evers. At first, such an assault on their community would make me skiddish. But after the shock settled a little, I would want to take action and I think Minny wants to also. Since she can't go to their community meetings anymore her outlets are limited, and Minny has proven she doesn't keep things in very well. I think the stories will get published in the end.

- What do you think Minny did to Hilly? The suspense is killing me!

I don't know what Minny did to Hilly but it had to be pretty bad. We know it wasn't stealing. Maybe she has a dirty little secret on Hilly that she threatened to leak out. It seems apparent that Hilly isn't talking about it to her friends either.

- What was your response to Minny's family dinner? What was your reaction to Minny's youngest "hating white people?"

It made my stomach tense and it made me sad. Even though it was a fictional family conversation, I'm not so deluded to think it isn't accurate. I don't blame Minny's youngest for hating white people. Sometimes I hate them too and I haven't experienced the kind of torment or oppression that
African Americans have at their hands. Any time a people group thinks, and subsequently behaves, like they are superior it means a twisting of God's creation and oppression of the innocent.

Shannon Williamson said...

- What was your reaction to Celia's pregnancy and miscarriage? What was your reaction to the way Minny handled the situation?
I was so relieved that Celia was pregnant and that it wasn’t something worse. I was impressed with Minny’s care for Celia during the whole situation. The multiple miscarriages made me understand why Celia is a little bit crazy…

- Minny seems to be finally be enjoying telling Skeeter her stories. Why do you think she has had a change of heart? What do you think will become of the stories in the end?
I think her new outlook is a direct relation to Medgar Evers death. Somethings just can’t be ignored and for her that was it. I think telling her stories has allowed her to release some of that tension. I sure hope those stories turn into something great!

- What do you think Minny did to Hilly? The suspense is killing me!
I am dying to know what happened. I’m thinking she busted up Hilly and Celia’s husband somehow.

- What was your response to Minny's family dinner? What was your reaction to Minny's youngest "hating white people?"
This scene reminded me of teaching the kids at camp about the civil rights movement. One of the 2nd grade boys yelled “I hate white people!” as we talked about whites and blacks being limited in what they could do. The class quickly told him that I was white. I took the opportunity to tell the kids that I thought Kyron’s feelings were normal. That whites had treated blacks unfairly and that when people are treated unfairly it makes us angry, just like it makes God angry. We went on to talk about the difference between anger and hate and how to manage those angry feelings. I was surprised by minny’s husbands total silence on the issue. With so many children I would think he would want to say something.