Saturday, July 10, 2010

What to do?

Hey Ladies,

How would we like to use this blog? I think a few questions that need to be answered are:
1. How much do you want to commit to reading over a given amount of time?
2. How often do you want to post?
3. How should we format our posts?

As far as posting format goes, one idea I had was that one of us could be the "host" of the book club "meeting" and post their thoughts and maybe some questions to which the other members would respond to. The "host" position would rotate, so that the responsibility was shared but you wouldn't have to make a lengthy post every time. Obviously, anyone would be welcome to post in addition to the host for a given chapter set. I'm totally open to other ideas as well.

I'm so glad we're doing this! I look forward to hearing from you soon.


JenJen said...

I really like the hosting idea. I think I'd be down to discuss our book once a week or every other week. If we do less than that I'll probably just lose track of where we are and what we're doing. The chapters are decently long in The Help, so I'd been willing to do one or maybe two a week. Each chapter covers the doings of one of the three characters, so it might make more sense to do one chapter at a time and then discuss. Those are just my thoughts. Thank you so much for doing this. I'm really excited to get started. I volunteer to host first if that's the method we decide on.

Robyn said...

Yay for Jenna hosting! I'm also in agreement for the format, love it Shan!

I also think that doing 1-2 chapters and posting weekly is doable. I definitely think that all I can do right now is 2 a week max.

When will our first week start? What day of the week will be designated as posting day? Would y'all be OK with it being Saturday or Sunday?

Shannon Williamson said...

I say we start the first week with two and see how that goes, and then if we need to cut down to one that would be easy to do for the next week.

I Saturday or Sunday works as a posting day for me if it works for Jenna. I could start this week if you guys want or we could waitand let our first post be Sunday after next (about two weeks from today). Let me know what you think! Also, any volunteers to be the first host, I'm down if you guys aren't just yet.

JenJen said...

Saturday or Sunday sounds fine as a posting day. Maybe the host should post on Saturday and everyone else should try to respond by Sunday night. Does that sound right? I'm not sure how this works exactly, since it's not like we're doing this as a real-time chat room. Or, do we all want to try to be on at the same time? It's not like we're going to lose grade points if it takes us longer than we'd planned to read and respond.:) (I love that we're not doing this for a class.) Just a thought, if we read this book in two-chapter increments every week it will take us 17 weeks to complete. Are we all cool with that? Okay, I volunteer to host first. I've already read the first two chapters and I can think of questions to ask.

Robyn said...

That's about 4 and half months to complete the book. I don't mind moving at that pace but if y'all want to move quicker, I could go 3 chapters a week.

Also, I like the idea of the hostess posting on Saturday and everyone else posting initial reactions on Sunday, then the conversation can continue as the week progresses until the next hostess posts.

What do you think?

Shannon Williamson said...

I'm down to read more as well. I think Robyn's idea about commenting through the week is great. So, we'll start on Sat? I'm excited!

JenJen said...

Starting on Saturday. Woohoo!